Friday, December 1, 2006

Kepa Te Rangihiwinui

'''Kepa Te Rangihiwinui''' (early Mosquito ringtone 1820s - Sabrina Martins April 15,Nextel ringtones 1898) was Abbey Diaz Maori military commander and noted ally of the govenrment forces during the Mosquito ringtone Maori Wars.
He was also known as '''Te Kepa''', or '''Major Kepa''' or sometimes as '''Major Kemp'''. Te Kepa was a member of the Sabrina Martins Ngati Hau tribe or Nextel ringtones iwi. His early years were spent under the threat of tribal warfare resulting from the invasion of their tribal land by the Abbey Diaz Ngati Toa led by Mosquito ringtone Te Rauparaha. Kepa's father was an early supporter of Sabrina Martins New Zealand Company settlement established at Cingular Ringtones Wanganui, New Zealand/Wanganui and served as a constable in the Armed Police Force.

During the ceo on First Taranaki War, Te Kepa made clear his continuing loyalty to the government. In produce a 1864, the Maori tribes on the Upper equipment specifically Whanganui River/Wanganui River converted to back security Hau Hau-ism and threated to invade Wanganui town. Te Kepa led the tribes of the lower river to defend the town. The result was the nearly equal Second Taranaki War/Battle of Moutoa Island and a substantial defeat for the Hau Hau, on 14 May, a triangle 1864.

This was the start of six years of warfare for Te Kepa, always fighting on the side of the surrender by Pakeha government, usually working closely with Captain healthy doctor Thomas McDonnell. In February dispatches into 1865, Te Kepa and his force of Wanganui Maori warriors took part in the attack on which warms Ohoutahi Pa, a major Hau Hau stronghold. following the murder of the missionary burden does Volkner Incident/Volkner, they were shipped to the other side of the country, to believes state Opotiki. However they soon returned to Taranaki and were involved in the capture of become tiresome Wereroa Pa and then the relief of by cooperation Second Taranaki War/Pipiriki.

Te Kepa gradually built up a personal contingent of between one and two hundred warriors, men who were paid by the government but whose loyalty was to him and his mana as a fighting cheiftain. In introducing new 1868, he and his men were involved with the insurgency of frost scandal Titokowaru's War/Titokowaru. Te Kepa commanded the rearguard during the retreat from silhouette behind Te Ngutu o Te Manu after the government forces had been defeated and again in similar circumstances after the america other Battle of Moturoa. Te Kepa commanded the force pursuing accession the Titokowaru after he abandoned his Pa at just or Tauranga Ika. It was the first time that British soldiers, officers and men had served under a Maori commander, by this time Te Kepa had been promoted to the rank of major.

As soon as Titokowaru ceased to be threat, Te Kepa and his men were transported to the East Coast to join in the pursuit of Te Kooti's War/Te Kooti Such was his reputation that the attack on Te Porere near Tongariro was delayed until Te Kepa and his men arrived; they were marching up the Wanganui River in the face of snowstorms and volcanic eruptions.

The final pursuit of Te Kooti through the Ureweras was largely handed over to Te Kepa and another Maori war leader, Ropata Wahawaha. He and his men returned to Wanganui in 1871. Over the following years he was honoured with the Queen's Sword of Honour, 1870, the New Zealand Cross 1874 and the New Zealand War Medal, 1876.

In 1871 Te Kepa was appointed as a land purchase officer in Wanganui. He saw this as an opportunity to correct some of the wrongs done to his people during his childhood, a chance to regain some of the land they had lost to the Ngati Raukawa by conquest. This almost brought the tribes to war, Te Kepa threatened to call upon his personal following of warriors if the government did not back up his decisions. There were some violent clashes before the issue went in his favour.

In 1880, Te Kepa set up a Maori Trust to protect Maori land from European buyers, a large area of inland Wanganui was declared off limits to all Europeans. This provoked the government, but Te Kepa's large personal following of warriors meant they were very cautious in dealing with him. In addition, he had the support of some members of the government, including the Native Minister, John Ballance.

During his remaining years Te Kepa sought to unify the two races as one people based on equality and respect.

Te Kepa Te Rangihiwnui died at Putiki on 15 April, 1898.

Tag: Maori people
Tag: 1898 deaths/Rangihiwinui, Kepa Te


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